
Kursen ACES50 ingår för närvarande inte i kursutbudet

Kurskod: ACES50
Engelsk titel: Asian Studies: Digital Asia: Cultural, Social and Political Transformations
Högskolepoäng: 7,5

Kurstillfälle: höstterminen 2018
Studiesätt: heltid, dagtid
Kursperiod: 2018-11-05 – 2018-12-04
Kursspråk: engelska
Anmälningskod: LU-19981
Behörighet: studenten vara antagen till Masterprogrammet i Asienstudier. För att läsa kursen som fristående kurs måste studenten ha en kandidatexamen i samhällsvetenskap, humaniora, ekonomi eller juridik samt minst 30 högskolepoäng inom Asienstudier eller motsvarande. Engelska 6/Engelska B.


The ubiquitous use of ICTs in daily life has led to a growing interest among scholars to address this phenomenon and study its impact on cultural, social and political practices and processes. We can identify a digital turn in the social sciences. The course makes use of insights and theories from different disciplines, such as media and communication studies, cultural studies, sociology, anthropology, political science and area studies in the study of Asian digital societies. Students are introduced to different theories, concepts, approaches, and methodologies with a particular focus on works addressing the Asian experiences. The course addresses different types of ICTs, including the Internet, social media, mobile phones and apps, in the context of both global processes and the cultural, social, political and economic context and development of different Asian societies. The course focuses on different themes and fields while paying attention to factors such as gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status, and age:

  • Identity formation and socialization processes (for example through blogging, gaming, and mobile phone and social media use).
  • Social networking and community building (for example among civil society, youth, interest communities)
  • Social and political activism (for example in traditional politics, new social movements, citizen journalism).
  • Digital methodologies and ethnographic practices

The course introduces students to theoretical and interdisciplinary studies, studies of the digital society in the West and Asia, and comparisons between and within different Asian societies. It encourages students to apply theoretical and methodological insights from the course in their own case studies/theses on different Asian countries and particular ICTs.


Kursen ges inte som fristående kurs nästa termin. Den kan vara öppen för anmälan inom program eller för utbytesstudenter. Kontakta din studievägledare för mer information.

Information om anmälan

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Ansökningsperioden är mars–april för höstterminen och september–oktober för vårterminen.

Sen anmälan

Alla utbildningar stänger för anmälan, efter att sista anmälningsdatum har passerat.

Kurser och program som har platser kvar, öppnar för sen anmälan efter första urvalet. Dessa utbildningar är märkta "Öppen för sen anmälan" på antagning.se.

International student?

Make your application in the First Admission Round at universityadmissions.se.

Application period October–January for autumn semester and June–August for spring semester.

First or Second Admission Round?

All international students are encouraged to apply to the First admission round. This round takes place many months before the start of a semester and gives students the time they need to pay their tuition fees, apply for and receive their residence permit (if required), find housing, etc.

The Second admission round is an alternative for students from EU/EEA countries as they do not need a residence permit. Non-EU/EEA students will most likely not have enough time to obtain their permit before the start of the semester. However, even EU/EEA students are advised to apply during the First admission round, as some programmes can be applied for only in the January round. Also, this provides applicants with an admission decision much earlier, which is helpful in making decisions about their studies.

Anmälnings- och studieavgifter för medborgare utanför EU/EES

Avgifterna gäller alltså inte dig som är medborgare i Sverige, något annat EU- eller ESS-land eller Schweiz. Läs mer om anmälnings- och studieavgifter.

Sidansvarig: sofia.hermanssonhist.luse | 2020-06-15