Department of History
Sofia Hermansson, Communication Officer, HR Administrator, Web Manager
Anna Nilsson Hammar, Assistant Head of Department
Henrik Rosengren, Deputy Head of Department
Lina Sturfelt, Head of Department
+46 46 222 79 18
Karin Zackari, Health and Safety Representative
Christine Malm, Finance Officer
+46 46 222 32 96
Anna Wallette, Web Administrator
Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University
Ning Ao, Doctoral Student
Chontida Auikool, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 37 26
Nina Brand, International Coordinator, Academic Advisor, Web Manager
+46 46 222 38 61
Stefan Brehm, Senior Lecturer, Academic Advisor, Researcher
+46 46 222 03 22
Benjamin Davies, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 37 78
Märit Eriksson, Visiting Doctoral Student
Ivan Franceschini, Affiliated Researcher
Roger Greatrex, Professor Emeritus
Kimhean Hok, Doctoral Student
Ann-Marie Kellner, Financial Administrator, Data Entry Officer, Directory Administrator
+46 46 222 30 02
Youngeun Koo, Associate Senior Lecturer
Macario Lacbawan, Visiting Research Fellow
Martin Lavička, Visiting Research Fellow
Nicholas Loubere, Senior Lecturer
+46 46 222 03 60
Mia Nilsson, Librarian
+46 46 222 03 58
+46 46 222 32 17
+46 46 222 32 17
Astrid Norén Nilsson, Senior Lecturer, Director of Studies
+46 46 222 34 81
Paul O'shea, Senior Lecturer
+46 46 222 30 05
Julia Olsson, Doctoral Student
Annika Pissin, Affiliated Researcher
Elizabeth Rhoads, Senior Lecturer, Researcher
Tabita Rosendal Ebbesen, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 37 26
Barbara Schulte, Affiliated Researcher
Chih-Lan Song, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 37 26
Lina Sturfelt, Affiliated Researcher
Marina Svensson, Professor, Director of Third Cycle Studies, Head of Department, Office Director, Purchasing Coordinator
+46 46 222 40 68
Karin Zackari, Researcher
Jinyan Zeng, Affiliated Researcher
Polina Barducci, Postdoctoral Fellow
Sune Bechmann Pedersen, Associate Professor
Lars Berggren, Professor
+46 46 222 79 64
Magnus Bergman, Researcher
Fredrik Björk, Doctoral Student
Andrés Brink Pinto, Researcher
Bonnie Clementsson, Researcher
Martin Dackling, Director of Third Cycle Studies, Researcher
Christine Davidsson Sandal, Doctoral Student
Marit de Wit, Project Assistant
Kristoffer Edelgaard Christensen, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 79 49
Lars Edgren, Professor
Fredrik Egefur, Researcher
Sara Ellis Nilsson, Teaching Staff
Martin Ericsson, Researcher
Ariadne Eleni Fioretos, Administrative Officer
+46 46 222 79 58
Gustaf Fryksén, Assistant, Doctoral Student
Ming Gao, Researcher
Kathryn Gary, Researcher
Elisabeth Geevers, Researcher
Kristian Gerner, Professor Emeritus
+46 46 222 32 29
Sebastian Graf, Doctoral Student
Harald Gustafsson, Professor
Karl Haikola, Researcher
Rikke Lie Halberg, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 79 49
Isak Hammar, Researcher
Martin Hamre, Researcher
Dick Harrison, Professor
+46 46 222 79 53
Olof Heilo, Researcher
Lisa Hellman, Researcher
John Hennessey, Senior Lecturer
Emma Hilborn, Researcher
+46 46 222 79 52
Preedee Hongsaton, Researcher
Lars Hultman, Doctoral Student
Alexander Isacsson, Researcher
Sören Ivarsson, Researcher
Mads Jensen, Researcher
Helene Johanson Otterström, Librarian
+46 46 222 90 34
Mats Johansson, Doctoral Student
Klas-Göran Karlsson, Professor
+46 46 222 79 50
Aliaksandr Kazakou, Visiting Research Fellow
Denys Kiryukhin, Researcher
Wiebke Kolbe, Professor
+46 46 222 79 72
David Larsson Heidenblad, Researcher
+46 46 222 79 79
Sofia Lenninger Pihl, Doctoral Student
Kristin Linderoth, Researcher
Johannes Ljungberg, Associate Professor
Björn Lundberg, Researcher
Valter Lundell, Senior Lecturer
Cecilia Lundström, Project Assistant
Christine Malm, Purchasing Coordinator
Andreas Marklund, Teaching Staff
Victoria Martinez, Researcher
Joanna Michlic, Researcher
Anna Nilsson Hammar, Researcher
+46 46 222 30 48
Svante Norrhem, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Office Director
+46 46 222 41 92
Magnus Olofsson, Researcher
Andreas Olsson, Doctoral Student
Mikael Ottosson, Teaching Staff, Director of First and Second Cycle Studies
+46 46 222 36 41
Helén Persson, Teaching Staff
Cecilia Riving, Associate Professor
+46 46 222 79 79
Henrik Rosengren, Associate Professor
+46 46 222 79 57
Odeta Rudling, Researcher
Per Anders Rudling, Associate Professor
Kim Salomon, Professor
+46 46 222 79 55
Hanne Sanders, Professor
+46 46 222 32 95
Cathleen Sarti, Researcher
Valeriia Sementina, Doctoral Student
Maria Simonsen, Researcher
Maria Småberg, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
+46 46 222 30 46
Johan Stenfeldt, Researcher
+46 46 222 48 76
Per Stobaeus, Associate Professor
Lo Söllgård, Teaching Staff
Sven Tägil, Professor Emeritus
Eva Helen Ulvros, Professor
+46 46 222 03 73
Marie-Gabrielle Verbergt, Researcher
Eskil Vesterlund, Doctoral Student
Hans Wallengren, Researcher
+46 46 222 03 64
Anna Wallette, Academic Advisor, Data Entry Officer, Researcher
+46 46 222 79 62
Kajsa Weber, Researcher
Emilie Wellfelt, Teaching Staff
Yvonne Maria Werner, Professor
+46 46 222 79 49
William Wickersham, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 14 25
Emma Wigh, Programme Administrator, Data Entry Officer, Directory Administrator
+46 46 222 79 60
Viktor Wretström, Visiting Doctoral Student
Karin Zackari, Health and Safety Representative, Researcher
Ulf Zander, Professor
+46 46 222 79 61
Francesco Zavatti, Researcher
Hampus Östh Gustafsson, Researcher
Johan Östling, Professor
Joachim Östlund, Director of Third Cycle Studies, Senior Lecturer
Human Rights Studies
Dan-Erik Andersson, Senior Lecturer, Director of Third Cycle Studies
+46 46 222 41 98
Malin Arvidsson, Senior Lecturer
+46 46 222 79 51
Olof Beckman, Senior Lecturer
+46 46 222 10 52
Morgan Björö, Doctoral Student
Therese Boje Mortensen, Postdoctoral Fellow
Eric Brandstedt, Senior Lecturer
Georgia de Leeuw, Researcher
Sofie Eriksen, Librarian
+46 46 222 32 15
+46 46 222 64 89
+46 46 222 64 89
Camila Freitas de Souza, Doctoral Student
Lena Halldenius, Professor, Office Director
Miia Halme-Tuomisaari, Senior Lecturer
Ilona Karppinen, Academic Advisor
+46 46 222 47 52
Martina Koegeler-Abdi, Postdoctoral Fellow
Ulrike Krantz, Project Coordinator
Emelie Lantz, Doctoral Student
Emma Lennhammer, Doctoral Student
Linde Lindkvist, Visiting Research Fellow, Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Björn Lundberg, Visiting Research Fellow
Frida Nilsson, Affiliated Researcher, Policy Officer
Johanna Ohlsson, Postdoctoral Fellow
Rouzbeh Parsi, Visiting Lecturer, Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Sarah Pritchett, Doctoral Student
Kristina Robertsson, Programme Coordinator, Data Entry Officer, Web Manager
+46 46 222 30 47
Ida Scherman, Doctoral Student
Lina Sturfelt, Senior Lecturer
Darcy Thompson, Doctoral Student
Andreas Tullberg, Senior Lecturer, Director of First and Second Cycle Studies
Carl Wilén, Postdoctoral Fellow
Karin Zackari, Senior Lecturer
National Graduate School of History
Joachim Bergström, Doctoral Student
Magnus Borg, Doctoral Student
Christina Dackling, Doctoral Student
Martin Dackling, Director of Third Cycle Studies
Clara Dalsgaard Hansen, Doctoral Student
Nadja Felten, Doctoral Student
Emma Forsberg, Doctoral Student
Lise Groesmeyer, Doctoral Student
Emil Gunnlaugsson, Doctoral Student
Christian Kofoed Hansen, Doctoral Student
Markus Hansen, Doctoral Student
Karin Jedeberg, Doctoral Student
Evelina Kallträsk, Doctoral Student
Trine Outzen, Doctoral Student
Victor Pressfeldt, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 78 46
Rasmus Törnblom, Doctoral Student
Patrick van der Geest, Doctoral Student
Karl Vesterberg, Doctoral Student
Kajsa Weber, Programme Coordinator
Asger Wienberg, Doctoral Student
Anton Öhman, Doctoral Student